So like the previous post, I'm a little behind the times, but I still wanted to post a sneak peek because Kelly and Luke's two girls are absolute dolls!! I had a blast doing Christmas pictures with M and C. Both girls are so well behaved and hammed it up for the camera. M was super cute with her little Christmas dress and matching doll...and she is also one very lucky girl...she has her OWN Christmas tree!! We also took a few minutes to take some baby shots of Little C ....can we say little model? Hey Kelly, I think I heard Baby Gap is having a casting call! What a doll! Check out a few of my favourites from our session:
Matching cute is that?!
There is NO denying who this girl's daddy is!!
Miss M lounging at her Christmas tree!
What a ham!
Miss M's room made a perfect backdrop!
I heart this face!
Seriously...C is only about 8 months here and she already knows how to work it!